Sunday, June 17, 2007

Da' weekend!

Ahh… there’s nothing like the weekend!

Actually, this weekend has been a little more productive than most. You see, I had a friend come over today to take a few pictures of me (more on that in a bit), and let’s face it: the only time I ever clean my apartment is when there’s a woman coming over. Fortunately, since I last primped my apartment for my ex about a month ago, there really wasn’t a whole lot I needed to do. But I must say that it feels good to have a nice, clean apartment. Don’t get me wrong, my place wasn’t a pigsty or anything. Nothing rotting or decomposing. But it was nice to take a vacuum to everything, clean out my bathroom, the whole nine.

I’ve also found that I’ve been sleeping more fitfully than I have in since, well, I can’t really remember. Since last Sunday, I’ve been averaging about 8-9 hours a night. Initially I attributed that to the breakup, but even today, I’ve been sleeping longer than I’ve ever been (normally, I spend about 5 hours sleeping). What sucks is that I didn’t go to the gym yesterday or today. Normally, I go early in the morning--at least on the weekends--to avoid the crowds. But I felt no reason to get out of bed early on Saturday or Sunday. I wasn’t drunk, wasn’t depressed, wasn’t, well… anything. But I decided to listen to my body and just enjoy the extra rest. I think what this means is that I need to start going to bed at an earlier hour from now on.

It used to be that if I went to bed at 10pm, I’d just wake up around 3 or 4am wide awake. My body insisted that I was getting five or six hours, and wasn’t fooled by any attempt at an earlier bedtime. But I was pretty much late for work all last week due to my body’s desire for extra sleep, and I went to bed around 11pm last night, and was still tired when I woke up.

Oh, and today I did a little photo shoot. A friend of mine (former coworker) agreed to come over and take some pictures of me. While I really needed some updated pictures of me for the dating site I’m using, I’d also like to have at least a few recent pictures of me just to have around. That’s the thing with men: we’re usually not known for picture-taking. Now while I’ll say that men are well-represented in the field of professional photography, I don’t think that ability (or desire) trickles down to the layman. It seems that every woman's place I go to, there are tons of pictures of her and her friends on the wall, and usually a photo album or two on the coffee table. Pretty much the only photos I have of me are those some woman took of me. Hell, earlier last year, I was going through some old books, and found a grammar book that I don’t recall ever using. So while I’m skimming through it, out pops a photo. It really took me back. It was a picture of me (all of 19 years old) and a close friend at the time that was, you guessed it, snapped by a woman.

I’ve also been plopping money down on some video games. I’m not a video game junkie, but my current system is a Gamecube, and they’re not making them any more. So I figure I’ll just pick up the last few games I need and then my collection’s complete!

Things could be more exciting, but they could be more tragic, too.

I’ll chose the former over the latter every single time…

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